How to Switch Back to a Personal Account on Instagram?

Switching your Instagram account from a business or creator account back to a personal account can be a straightforward process if you know where to look. Whether you’ve tried the features of a business account and decided they’re not for you, or you simply prefer the simplicity of a personal account, this guide will walk you through the necessary steps to switch back to a personal account on Instagram.

How to Switch Back to a Personal Account on Instagram?

Why Switch Back to a Personal Account?

Before we dive into the how let’s briefly touch on why you might want to switch back to a personal account. Personal accounts offer a more streamlined experience without the additional analytics and advertising options that come with business or creator accounts. This can make managing your social media presence simpler and more enjoyable.

Steps to Switch Back to a Personal Account on Instagram

1: Open Your Instagram App

Ensure you’re logged into the account you want to switch.

2: Go to Your Profile

Tap on your profile picture in the bottom right corner to navigate to your profile page.

"Reverting to personal profile on Instagram: Quick guide"

3: Access Account Settings

Tap the three horizontal lines (menu icon) in the top right corner, then select “Settings” at the bottom of the menu.

4: Find Account Options

In the settings menu, tap on “Account.”

5: Switch Account Type

Scroll to the bottom of the account settings page and tap on “Switch Account Type.”

"Transitioning back to personal account on Instagram"

6: Confirm Your Choice

Select “Switch to Personal Account” and confirm your choice. Instagram will prompt you to confirm that you want to switch. After confirming, your account will revert to a personal account.

"Returning to personal account on Instagram: A tutorial"

What to Expect After Switching

Switching back to a personal account means you will lose access to some features exclusive to business and creator accounts. This includes insights and analytics, promotion tools, and contact buttons. However, your posts, followers, and overall account content will remain unchanged.

Login into your Instagram account.

Benefits of a Personal Account

  • Simplified Interface: Personal accounts have fewer tabs and options, making navigation more straightforward.
  • Privacy Controls: Personal accounts can be set to private, giving you more control over who sees your content.
  • No Ads: You won’t be prompted to promote posts or run ads, keeping your experience ad-free.

Related Information

If you’re curious about other Instagram features and tips, check out these articles:


Switching back to a personal account on Instagram is a quick and easy process. It can provide a simpler and more private experience if that’s what you’re looking for. Remember, you can always switch back to a business or creator account later if your needs change.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can seamlessly switch back to a personal account and enjoy the features and simplicity that come with it.


Q1: Why would I want to switch back to a personal account on Instagram?

A: Switching back to a personal account can simplify your Instagram experience. Personal accounts have fewer features and analytics, making them easier to manage. They also allow you to set your account to private, giving you more control over who sees your content.

Q2: Will I lose my followers if I switch back to a personal account?

A: No, you will not lose your followers. Switching to a personal account does not affect your followers or the content you have already posted. It only changes the account type and available features.

Q3: How do I switch back to a personal account on Instagram?

A: To switch back to a personal account:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner and select “Settings.”
  3. Tap “Account” and then scroll to the bottom.
  4. Select “Switch Account Type” and then “Switch to Personal Account.”
  5. Confirm your choice when prompted.

How to Optimize Instagram Profile.

Q4: What features will I lose if I switch to a personal account?

A: By switching to a personal account, you will lose access to Instagram Insights (analytics), promotion tools, and contact buttons that are available with business and creator accounts.

Q5: Can I switch back to a business or creator account later?

A: Yes, you can switch back to a business or creator account at any time by following a similar process in the account settings.

Q6: Is there any cost associated with switching account types?

A: No, switching between personal, business, and creator accounts on Instagram is free. There are no charges associated with changing your account type.

Q7: Will my previous promotions and insights be saved if I switch back to a personal account?

A: No, when you switch to a personal account, you will lose access to your previous insights and promotions. If you switch back to a business or creator account later, you will need to start fresh with new insights and promotions.

Q8: Can I still use hashtags and geotags with a personal account?

A: Yes, you can still use hashtags and geotags with a personal account. These features are available to all Instagram account types and can help increase the visibility of your posts.

Q9: How can I ensure my personal account is private?

A: To make your personal account private:

  1. Go to your profile and tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner.
  2. Select “Settings” and then “Privacy.”
  3. Tap “Account Privacy” and switch on the “Private Account” toggle.

Q10: Will switching to a personal account affect my Instagram algorithm ranking?

A: Switching to a personal account should not directly affect your Instagram algorithm ranking. However, without access to insights, it may be harder to track and optimize your content for better engagement and reach.

Zubair Ali
Zubair Ali

Hello, I'm Zubair Ali, also known as Zubi. I'm a seasoned expert in Social Media Marketing with over 15 years of experience. Since Instagram's launch, I've been an active user, learning and leveraging its platform to help businesses grow.

My journey as a content writer began in 2009, and over the years, I've mastered the art of creating engaging and informative articles. My work has attracted millions of visitors from Google to various websites, showcasing my ability to drive significant traffic through well-researched content.

I have collaborated with numerous companies, providing them with insights and strategies to enhance their online presence. Additionally, I run my own research-based websites where I publish in-depth articles based on thorough research and exploration.

When I write, I ensure that every piece is backed by solid research, offering valuable information to my readers. My commitment to quality and accuracy has helped me build a reputation as a reliable and knowledgeable professional in my field.

I always research thoroughly before publishing any article. Every piece I write is based on careful investigation, ensuring my readers get reliable and valuable information. I did not publish article with out Complete Reseach.

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