How to Switch Back to a Personal Account on Instagram:

Are you wondering, “How do I switch back to my personal account on Instagram?” If so, you’re not alone. Many users find themselves in a situation where they need to transition from a business or creator account back to a personal one.

how to switch back to personal account on instagram

Fortunately, making this switch is straightforward, and this guide will walk you through the process step by step.

Why switch back to a personal account?

Before we dive into the specifics of how to switch back to a personal account, let’s briefly discuss why you might want to make this change. While business and creator accounts offer additional features and insights, such as analytics and advertising options, some users prefer the simplicity and privacy of a personal account.

Whether you’re no longer using Instagram for business purposes or simply want to maintain a more personal online presence, switching back to a personal account can be the right choice for you.

Steps to Switch Back to a Personal Account:

1: Open Instagram:

Start by opening the Instagram app on your mobile device or accessing the Instagram website on your computer.

2: Navigate to Settings:

Once you’re logged in, navigate to your profile by tapping on your profile picture or clicking on your profile icon. From there, locate the settings menu, usually represented by three horizontal lines or a gear icon.

"Reverting to personal profile on Instagram: Quick guide"

3: Access Account Settings:

In the settings menu, scroll down until you find the “Account” section. Tap or click on “Account” to access your account settings. If you do not see this type, then go to the professional account section below.

"Shifting to personal profile on Instagram: How-to guide"

4: Select “Switch to Personal Account”:

Within the account settings, you should see an option labeled “Switch to Personal Account” or something similar. Tap or click on this option to begin the process of switching back to a personal account.

"Transitioning back to personal account on Instagram"

5: Confirm Your Decision:

Instagram may ask you to confirm your decision to switch back to a personal account. Follow the prompts to confirm, and your account will be converted back to a personal one.

"Returning to personal account on Instagram: A tutorial"

6: Review your settings.

Once the switch is complete, take a moment to review your account settings. You may want to adjust your privacy settings or notification preferences now that you’re using a personal account again.

Internel Linking:

What’s the difference between followers and following on Instagram?

If you’re new to Instagram or simply looking for clarification, you may be wondering about the difference between followers and following. Followers are users who have chosen to subscribe to your account and see your posts in their feed. Following entails selecting and subscribing to accounts whose posts appear in your feed. For more information, check out our guide to followers and following on Instagram.

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Switching back to a personal account on Instagram is a simple process that can be done in just a few steps. Whether you’re transitioning away from using your account for business purposes or simply prefer the simplicity of a personal account, knowing how to make this switch is essential.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily switch back to a personal account and continue enjoying all that Instagram has to offer.


  1. How do I switch back to my personal account on Instagram?
    • To switch back to your personal account on Instagram, simply access your account settings either through the Instagram app or website. Look for the option labeled “Switch to Personal Account” and follow the prompts to confirm your decision.
    • Your account will then transition back to a personal one.
  2. What’s the difference between a business account and a personal account on Instagram?
    • A business account on Instagram offers additional features such as insights, analytics, and advertising options, whereas a personal account is more focused on sharing content with friends and family without access to these business-oriented features.
  3. Can I still access insights and analytics after switching to a personal account?
    • No, switching to a personal account means forfeiting access to insights and analytics provided by business and creator accounts. If you require these features in the future, you can always switch back to a business or creator account.
  4. Will my followers and content be affected when switching back to a personal account?
    • No, switching back to a personal account will not affect your followers or the content you’ve posted on Instagram.
    • Your followers will remain the same, and your content will remain accessible as it was before the switch.
  5. Can I switch back to a business or creator account after switching to a personal account?
    • Yes, you can switch back to a business or creator account at any time by accessing your account settings and selecting the option to switch account type.
    • Keep in mind that you’ll regain access to business-oriented features but lose the simplicity of a personal account.
  6. Is there a limit to how often I can switch between account types on Instagram?
    • Instagram does not impose any limits on how often you can switch between account types. Feel free to switch between personal, business, and creator accounts as needed to suit your preferences and objectives.

Zubair Ali
Zubair Ali

Hello, I'm Zubair Ali, also known as Zubi. I'm a seasoned expert in Social Media Marketing with over 15 years of experience. Since Instagram's launch, I've been an active user, learning and leveraging its platform to help businesses grow.

My journey as a content writer began in 2009, and over the years, I've mastered the art of creating engaging and informative articles. My work has attracted millions of visitors from Google to various websites, showcasing my ability to drive significant traffic through well-researched content.

I have collaborated with numerous companies, providing them with insights and strategies to enhance their online presence. Additionally, I run my own research-based websites where I publish in-depth articles based on thorough research and exploration.

When I write, I ensure that every piece is backed by solid research, offering valuable information to my readers. My commitment to quality and accuracy has helped me build a reputation as a reliable and knowledgeable professional in my field.

I always research thoroughly before publishing any article. Every piece I write is based on careful investigation, ensuring my readers get reliable and valuable information. I did not publish article with out Complete Reseach.

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